I'm not too sick, just a little, but it's so irritating! I have a sinus infection that came up very quickly! I had a really difficult time getting up the other day but I had to. I had planned an outing with my neighbor and all our kids to go to a really cool park (with picnic.) After laying in bed while my kiddos rearranged my house for a couple hours, I took a really warm shower and loaded up on OTC meds to get me through the morning. I made it through and then took a really long nap. I normally never take naps unless I'm sick or very tired!!!
The next day though, I went in to the doctor as it seemed to get worse, not better. I've had so many throughout the years that I knew to just go ahead and bite the bullet rather than spend the next couple of weeks under the weather and unable to function. Especially since I was alone (hubby at work for the next couple of weeks.) It seems to always be that way. The last time I spoke to him, it seems hat he has the same issue happening at work with his sinuses so it's kinda of good we're not sick together at home.
I was able to send my daughter to the store to get my most favorite thing to eat when I'm sick....chocolate pudding that you cook (that cools in the fridge with the layering on top!) I always feel better when I eat that!
Chocolate pudding and sinus infections....who would have thought. Perhaps they should put that on the box "Does not cure sinus infection but takes the pain away for a little while."
I hope you get well soon and start to feel better.
Have missed you.
many hugs
the crud is all around
feel better soon
Ugh, my sinuses are all filled up here, too. Sorry you're not feeling well. Get better soon and enjoy that pudding, that sounds delish! I haven't had that in a long time. Chocolate makes everything better.
I have a sudden hankering for exactly what you just described (and the instant is NOT the same!)
Hope it works wonders and you are back to healthy soon! :)
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